Black Seed Oil, Cold Pressed, Zdravnitza, 100 Ml
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Black seed oil - Zdravnitza is powerful and proven immunostimulant, analgesic, strengthens and balances the immune system, helps in sthma, sinusitis.
EAN Code: 3800232541190
Package Quantity: 100 ml
Origin: India
Ingredients: 100% black seed oil
Shipping Weight: 0.130 kg
- Product of Zdravnitza
- 100% cold pressed, unrefined black seed oil (Nigella Sativa)
- Does not contain any additives or harmful substances

The black seed oil (black cumin) is mentioned in the Old Testament, even described how to extract oil from it.

It should be noted that black cumin has nothing to do with our familiar cumin. Black cumin is a plant coming from Asia. It was also used by ancient Egyptians. According to writings and legends then black seed oil can heal everything except death. Black seed oil is also called "The Dark Gold of the Pharaohs."

Useful ingredients:

The unique combination in the natural oil of more than 100 active ingredients and around 50 natural catalysts for the biosynthesis of the cells has the power to regulate immune function and maintain better health from an early age. It contains 15 amino acids (including 8 of the 9 essential), omega 6 and 9, the vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C, carotene, niacin, folacin, and potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, manganese, selenium, copper, and zinc. There is a high content of gamma-linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid for maintenance of healthy skin), oleic, linoleic and palmitic acid.

Useful properties of Black seed oil - Zdravnitza:

Since 1964, there have been at least 458 published scientific studies on black seeds, according to The results of these studies confirm what Eastern medicine and South African cultures have known for centuries. Again according to the same source, the plant has the following amazing properties: painkillers, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anticholinergic, antifungal, antihypertensive, antioxidant, spasmolytic, anti-pore, hypotonic, antidiabetic and many others!

There is scientific evidence that black seed oil relieves the symptoms of acute angina. It is also a very valuable helper for people who work with chemicals. Black seed oil prevents health problems in such people.

Black seed oil helps people who develop dependence on opiates, relieves symptoms of allergic rhinitis, is successfully involved in the fight against type 2 diabetes and asthma.

The presence of phytosterols further enhances the potential for lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. It also contains arginine, useful for people who have suffered traumas, burns, inflammations - it stimulates the release of growth hormone and collagen synthesis. Stimulates the production of prostaglandins - reduces inflammations and skin eczemas, acts vasodilatingly and broncholytically.

The unique thymokinone plant exhibits outstanding anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties; A strong antioxidant is and helps clean up toxins. Black seed oil helps with oxidative stress and immune deficiency. By acting on the thymus, the oil stimulates the production of bone marrow, activates and regulates the synthesis of necessary hormones, destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi. Black cumin works to increase immunity and activate the body's own vital energies.

The black seed oil - Zdravnitza is powerful and proven:

1. Immunostimulant - strengthens and balances the immune system;
2. Anti allergic and antihistamine - helps in various Target species allergies, asthma, sinusitis;
3. Analgesic - relieves pain (headaches, cramps, menstrual pain, migraine);
4. Anthelmintic - destroyed and disposed of worms and parasites;
5. Antioxidant - prevents and slows the destructive oxidation of cells, neutralizes free radicals;
6. Antipyretic - high temperature;
7. Diuretic - stimulates urination and discharge of water retention;


100% cold pressed, unrefined black seed oil - Nigella Sativa


For general strengthening of the body:
duration of intake: 1-2 months a year.
Take 1 tsp (or 1 tablespoon if your weight is greater) 2 times a day, in the morning before eating, evening sledhranene. The effect of oil of Black seed oil - Zdravnitza felt after at least one week, regular intake.

Thus intake of oil of Black seed oil - Zdravnitza successfully applied in the fight against hypertension, lowers cholesterol, prevents and slows the destructive oxidation of cells, neutralizes free radicals and others.

For nervous disorders, stress or insomnia:
duration of intake: the disappearance of the disorder.
To a cup of hot tea (lemon balm, mint, thyme or hawthorn), add 1 tsp Black seed oil - Zdravnitza.

Headache, migraine or vertigo:
duration of intake: the disappearance of the disorder.
1 tsp Black cumin oil - Zdravnitza is held under the tongue for 2-4 minutes. You can repeat the procedure morning and evening. Do not exceed the stated dose!

Asthma, bronchitis and cough:
duration of intake: the disappearance of the disorder.
Morning, afternoon and evening take 1 tablespoon the oil of Black seed oil - Zdravnitza, together with a glass of warm or cool water. It is before or after a meal.

Packing: 100 ml in glass bottle

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